How y'all doing? We are one more week in Last week I shared some of my quarantine tips to stay sane. I did get some requests for how I have been structuring my days that just didn't quite fit in with last week's post. I thought it would be good to include if you find it in any way helpful.

So I should first say I am still working, so this wouldn't apply if you are unfortunately out of work. That said, I have tried to make my day as similar to what it was like when I was working a typical day with a few adjustments.

I have to be honest that I'm not much of a morning person, never have been. I get up typically around 6:30-6:45 AM because my daughter wakes up. My husband takes care of her in the AM but knowing they are up and at 'em helps me get going. I usually work out in the morning but seeing as I am home all day the motivation to hurry up and do that isn't there. Instead I find it's nice to hop on and get some early morning work done. It's nice to respond to any emails that came in after I logged off , send anything out and just set myself up for the day. Most people aren't working quite that early so I'm not inundated with things. I make my coffee and eat my breakfast more casually. 

After that I take a quick late morning break for working out and getting ready. People are usually on by then and getting some of their work started so it's not disruptive. I still make an effort to wear at least a regular shirt and do my make up. Many of my meetings are video so I try not to scare folks.

Because I get up early I get hungry for lunch around 11:30, I'm usually still pretty motivated at this time so I eat and work at the same time. I find myself in a lot of meetings during the lunch hour so best to get that done so you're not eating on a video call, it's gross. I've seen people do it, don't be that person ;)

Somewhere between 1:00-2:00 PM I find myself getting tired and easily distracted. I can't focus on my computer anymore and I am tapped out. I find it's best to give myself the permission to take a break. The harder I fight it, the less likely I am to get back on the bandwagon in the afternoon. Sometimes that means watch quick episode of a show, social media break or running out to Starbucks drive thru. Either way, when I'm done I'm ready to rock.

By 2:00 my workday is almost over so I'm wrapping things up and planning my next day. I spend the evening playing with my daughter and relaxing with some TV or blogging to wind down.

That's my whole day. I try to keep things as similar as possible. Sometimes it changes, but in general, this has helped me continue to be as productive as I can while also giving myself some grace during this time. Hope it helps!

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