As a new blogger I am happy to find a way to build a community with fellow bloggers. Frankly, I have not been great at it as I need to spend more time connecting with bloggers. Thankfully, one way to do this fell in my lap last week.
I was nominated Basically Bella to for the Liebster Award. The Liebster Award is an award created by bloggers for bloggers, and is typically given to those who are new to blogging or have fewer than two hundred followers. The rules are, once you’re nominated you must post back to the person who nominated you, answer the eleven questions they give you, present eleven new questions for your nominees, then nominate eleven bloggers of your own.
Questions for you to answer:
I had been thinking about it when talking to another friend recommending she start one. I have a lot of free time at night and get bored pretty quickly. Although, I had a few reservations including that I had no authority on fashion, concerns about time and privacy given my line of work. I started looking at some of my favorite local bloggers including Chelsea Lane of Zipped and Lindsey Herzog of Ruby Girl when they were featured in Minneapolis Star Tribune. I noticed Lindsey was a therapist at a local company and thought “well if she can find the boundary line then so can I.” Boom. Blog born!
Short posts haha! Seriously, I’m not much of a reader so if it’s a long description I probably won’t read it. I am also at fault for writing a lengthy blog at times too. As fun as it is to read the fantasy blogs like We Wore What, I cannot afford nor pull of style like that in the Midwest. I like to read blogs where the clothes are reasonably affordable and rationale for my locale. I also like to use bloggers to locate new boutiques and online retailers. I figure if they bought something from an online place then the quality of the material is good.
Anyone who knows me knows I really do not read. My joke is that I am barely literate. I have made myself read on occasion and I really love Chuck Klosterman’s Killing Yourself to Live. If you don’t know, he is a rock and sports writer. He is amazingly sarcastic and quirkly. This novel is a really interesting look into how his mind works during an interesting time in his life. People fascinate like nothing else and this was the epitome of that for me.
I think I would pick the 1920s. I love the fashion and fun exhibited during that time. I know there was fair amount of melancholy as well, but I would travel back for the fashion alone.
5. What is your favorite love story you know (real or fiction)?
My great Grandmother and Grandfather. They both arrived from Italy in towns not far from each other but they never met. They moved next door to each other in St. Paul and she eyed him. Each day when he came home from work she would sweep her stoop so she could see him. I wrote a paper about it in college and I loved it.
Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize. Especially as I get older I can notice day to day how my skin looks when I do and do not moisturize. I have also been told it is never too early to use anti-aging products so I use Oil of Olay Regenerist Moisturizer.
Italy. Hands down, no question. It’s my heritage and the culture there I think is beyond compare. One day.
I have to think of something….hmmm…I suppose I try to do what makes me happy, although sometimes to get there you have to tolerate the hard stuff. So if I have to sum up I guess it is to strive to strike the balance between hard work and enjoying the happy moments. Does that sound good? I hope so.
So many great things happened in this last year. I suppose I would go with going to Mexico with a bunch of my friends last Spring. Ten of us trekked to Puerto Vallarta and we had fun every, single day. It really was the perfect vacation.
Lipstick, cellphone, coverup. At its core those are the absolute basics I need for the day.
That’s tough. It depends on what kind of crazy I am experiencing. If I am feeling anxious, as much as I hate to work out, running is really helpful. You truly have to focus on your body and not what is driving you crazy. There is something centering about it for mind and body.
If you like what you read please subscribe to my blog, follow me on instagram @mymonochromaticlife and on twitter @1chromaticlife
I am nominating the following blogs(if you have more than 200 followers, I am sorry I had trouble finding a count and I want to see you answer these questions):
Questions for you to answer:
I was nominated Basically Bella to for the Liebster Award. The Liebster Award is an award created by bloggers for bloggers, and is typically given to those who are new to blogging or have fewer than two hundred followers. The rules are, once you’re nominated you must post back to the person who nominated you, answer the eleven questions they give you, present eleven new questions for your nominees, then nominate eleven bloggers of your own.
Questions for you to answer:
- How did you come to start your blog?
I had been thinking about it when talking to another friend recommending she start one. I have a lot of free time at night and get bored pretty quickly. Although, I had a few reservations including that I had no authority on fashion, concerns about time and privacy given my line of work. I started looking at some of my favorite local bloggers including Chelsea Lane of Zipped and Lindsey Herzog of Ruby Girl when they were featured in Minneapolis Star Tribune. I noticed Lindsey was a therapist at a local company and thought “well if she can find the boundary line then so can I.” Boom. Blog born!
- What do you look for in other blogs when searching for new ones to follow?
Short posts haha! Seriously, I’m not much of a reader so if it’s a long description I probably won’t read it. I am also at fault for writing a lengthy blog at times too. As fun as it is to read the fantasy blogs like We Wore What, I cannot afford nor pull of style like that in the Midwest. I like to read blogs where the clothes are reasonably affordable and rationale for my locale. I also like to use bloggers to locate new boutiques and online retailers. I figure if they bought something from an online place then the quality of the material is good.
- What is your favorite book, and if you don’t read, movie?
Anyone who knows me knows I really do not read. My joke is that I am barely literate. I have made myself read on occasion and I really love Chuck Klosterman’s Killing Yourself to Live. If you don’t know, he is a rock and sports writer. He is amazingly sarcastic and quirkly. This novel is a really interesting look into how his mind works during an interesting time in his life. People fascinate like nothing else and this was the epitome of that for me.
- If you could be anyone from any time in history, who would it be?
I think I would pick the 1920s. I love the fashion and fun exhibited during that time. I know there was fair amount of melancholy as well, but I would travel back for the fashion alone.
5. What is your favorite love story you know (real or fiction)?
My great Grandmother and Grandfather. They both arrived from Italy in towns not far from each other but they never met. They moved next door to each other in St. Paul and she eyed him. Each day when he came home from work she would sweep her stoop so she could see him. I wrote a paper about it in college and I loved it.
- What’s your one, never fail beauty secret?
Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize. Especially as I get older I can notice day to day how my skin looks when I do and do not moisturize. I have also been told it is never too early to use anti-aging products so I use Oil of Olay Regenerist Moisturizer.
- If you could visit anywhere, where would it be?
Italy. Hands down, no question. It’s my heritage and the culture there I think is beyond compare. One day.
- What’s your life philosophy?
I have to think of something….hmmm…I suppose I try to do what makes me happy, although sometimes to get there you have to tolerate the hard stuff. So if I have to sum up I guess it is to strive to strike the balance between hard work and enjoying the happy moments. Does that sound good? I hope so.
- What’s your best memory from the past year?
So many great things happened in this last year. I suppose I would go with going to Mexico with a bunch of my friends last Spring. Ten of us trekked to Puerto Vallarta and we had fun every, single day. It really was the perfect vacation.
- What are three things you never leave home without?
Lipstick, cellphone, coverup. At its core those are the absolute basics I need for the day.
- How do you find serenity when life is crazy?
That’s tough. It depends on what kind of crazy I am experiencing. If I am feeling anxious, as much as I hate to work out, running is really helpful. You truly have to focus on your body and not what is driving you crazy. There is something centering about it for mind and body.
If you like what you read please subscribe to my blog, follow me on instagram @mymonochromaticlife and on twitter @1chromaticlife
I am nominating the following blogs(if you have more than 200 followers, I am sorry I had trouble finding a count and I want to see you answer these questions):
- The Revolving table
- She's Leaning In
- Lonestar Lauren
- Peeled Wellness
- Pirates and Peonies
- Fresh food and fashion
- Paige Helen
- Twelfth Light
- Glamista Home
- Revolved Clothing
- Bailey & James
Questions for you to answer:
- How did you come to start your blog?
- What do you look for in other blogs when searching for new ones to follow?
- How would you describe your style?
- If you could be anyone from any time in history, who would it be?
- Where is your favorite place to shop?
- What’s your one, never fail beauty secret?
- If you could visit anywhere, where would it be?
- What’s your life philosophy?
- What’s your best memory from the past year?
- What are three things you never leave home without?
- Who is your role model and why?
Yayyy!! Thank you so much for the nomination! :) I really appreciate it! xoxo!
You're welcome! Can't wait to read more about you!
Hooray! Thank you for the nomination!
Hello Meg, thank you for the nomination. I appreciate you thinking of me, that really is nice of you. I have participated in this last year, here is a link to that post
Thanks Dagmara! I appreciate you providing the link and I enjoyed learning more about you :)
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