As a new blogger I think it is important for you all to get to know who I am in order to decide if I am worthwhile to follow, which I hope you do :) . I have read plenty of blogs where I did not get a sense of their personality and I moved on. Other blogs such as Zipped and The Small Things Blog caught my attention by either an element of expertise or aspiration that continues to drive me to their site. I found The Small Things Blog due to her expertise in hair and I stuck around for her fun personality and tips. I found the Zipped Blog due to her sense of style and she's local so it's nice to see her wearing things that I could actually get at my local boutique. By following their lead I hope to add my sense of flair to lifestyle blogging, but I digress.
Let's start with some personal info then we'll move to the fun stuff :) I was born and raised in Minnesota, the Twin Cities area in particular. I have three sisters and I am the middle child. I know what you are thinking, middle children are the crazy ones, but for being the Jane Brady of the family I think I have done pretty well for myself. I am married for five years to my husband, Derek. We met in college through mutual friends and have been together for 10 years. That's really weird to see in print, 10 years!
My handsome husband after he caught a foul ball at a Twins game. Despite his current state of excitement I'm pretty sure the Twins lost that day, as they do most days. I swear if Molitor doesn't make some changes I'll.....nevermind that's for another time.
We also have two adorable dogs, Eva and Riggs. Also known as our furry children. Riggs was named after Friday Night Lights character Tim "Riggs" Riggins, swoon. I get asked a lot if he is named after the Lethal Weapon character, to which I typical respond "huh?" He has been with us for 5 years and we adopted him from a breeder. He's the sweetest but dimmest dog around. He is about 90 pounds but thinks he's 15 pounds and a lap dog at that. Eva is about a little over a year old and we adopted her from the humane society this summer. After a year of begging Derek to agree to bring another dog home he finally ok'd it but insisted we rescue our second dog. I could not be happier that we did. She is incredibly feisty and a little fighter. She always wants to wrestle and play, meanwhile Riggs wants to lie down and be left alone.....typical only child ;). She also eats her own poop, which is the grossest thing that has ever happened in my life. She's lucky she's so cute.
Let's start with some personal info then we'll move to the fun stuff :) I was born and raised in Minnesota, the Twin Cities area in particular. I have three sisters and I am the middle child. I know what you are thinking, middle children are the crazy ones, but for being the Jane Brady of the family I think I have done pretty well for myself. I am married for five years to my husband, Derek. We met in college through mutual friends and have been together for 10 years. That's really weird to see in print, 10 years!
My handsome husband after he caught a foul ball at a Twins game. Despite his current state of excitement I'm pretty sure the Twins lost that day, as they do most days. I swear if Molitor doesn't make some changes I'll.....nevermind that's for another time.
We also have two adorable dogs, Eva and Riggs. Also known as our furry children. Riggs was named after Friday Night Lights character Tim "Riggs" Riggins, swoon. I get asked a lot if he is named after the Lethal Weapon character, to which I typical respond "huh?" He has been with us for 5 years and we adopted him from a breeder. He's the sweetest but dimmest dog around. He is about 90 pounds but thinks he's 15 pounds and a lap dog at that. Eva is about a little over a year old and we adopted her from the humane society this summer. After a year of begging Derek to agree to bring another dog home he finally ok'd it but insisted we rescue our second dog. I could not be happier that we did. She is incredibly feisty and a little fighter. She always wants to wrestle and play, meanwhile Riggs wants to lie down and be left alone.....typical only child ;). She also eats her own poop, which is the grossest thing that has ever happened in my life. She's lucky she's so cute.
Derek and I moved to Chicago about 10 months after we got married so I could go to graduate school. I have my Master's in Social Work and am working towards full clinical license. Although this will not be the focus of my blog I think it is important to know about me as it influences what I choices I make. When I graduated in 2012 we moved back home into my parent's house. They were very kind to have us. After realizing that apartment rent had shot up like a rocket we decided to buy a house and have been happy homeowners for almost two years. We got very lucky with the condition of our home but there was still plenty of decorating to do. We also have hopes of building a big walk-in closet (the dream!) in the next couple of years. If my closet could look like Cher's closet from Clueless, I might pass out.
Personally I would describe myself as sarcastic, organized, caring, impulsive, anxious and smart. Sarcasm is probably my most notable and noticeable trait. I make special note of this as it will likely reflect in my writing and I do not want it to be misconstrued. I have been guilty of using sarcasm too soon with people and I can tell you it does not go over well. So if we are going to continue on the blog venture together this distinction needs to be clear upfront to save myself from footinmouthitis.
I find inspiration for my home and clothes in lots of places. I think of my dream locations, New York, Milan, Paris, etc and take influences for my spaces. My sun room in my house I thought about the Hamptons. This direction helped guide every choice I made. For my clothes I prefer the KISS method: Keep It Simple Stupid or if you want to go the classier route you could describe my mantra as Coco Chanel did "Once you've dressed, and before you leave the house, look in the mirror and take at least one thing off." I try to do this with my accessories. I cannot get enough accessories and would wear a ring on every finger if I could. I would not care if it made me look like the crazy bird lady from Mary Poppins I would do it! I also tend to buy cheaper accessories as they go out of trend quickly and I would rather spend $16 to wear it a few times and not feel guilty versus $50 and regret it in two months. I do prefer a more classic style with hints of the latest trends such as classic pieces with pops of the season. I bought a few things lately that I think fit this bill and will post in a few days.
Oh! One more thing before I leave you. I fulfilled a life's dream this Fall. It is something I have been hoping to do and fantasizing about. I visited the original Starbucks in Seattle in October. I LOVE coffee. Words cannot express my deep, unconditional affection for all things coffee. Starbucks is my coffeehouse of choice. I totally support local coffee shops, but when it comes to my absolute fav it is Starbucks all day, hands down. Please enjoy the pure exuberance of this fulfillment of a dream:
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