Happy Wednesday! Sorry for the delay in the post but with Monday being a holiday it was too hard to get a post up and running.  I am trying to get my bearings again being back to work full time and working my part time job. I also want to make sure I am getting quality face time with my daughter and I have not quite figured out all this balance yet. I am working on it and appreciate all of your patience.

Friday after work we headed up to my in-laws cabin. It was Reese's first time up there and would be her first time in a boat. We were a packed truck with the two pups and baby in the back but she did pretty good. It took a while to get up there so it was night by the time we were there. Saturday we woke up and the weather was beautiful. Pretty warm and sunny. On the boat, it was a little chilly with the wind but when the sun came out it was gorgeous. To my surprise, Reese did amazing on the boat. She basically slept the whole time. She also had her life preserver on and it made her lay all stiff. It was kind of funny/adorable. 

On Sunday we initially intended to stay through Monday. However, overnight Reese was demonstrating cold symptoms and so was D. The weather took a turn for the crummy so we headed home. That night we just rented a movie and chilled. We rented Split which was fantastic! Sunday was also Reese's three month birthday so picture time!

Monday for the holiday I had to do some of my part time work, but we had planned to see a movie with friends. We finally got out to see Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 and it did not disappoint.  Not as good as the first, but still pretty good. Not much else happened that day and we just enjoyed the day off.

The weather is finally looking like it is going to turn around and at least stay warm. I bought this dress over Mother's Day weekend at a local boutique that I have passed a million times and never gone inside. It is a dress style I have been looking for forever. I am obsessed with the cross front trend and had not pulled the trigger until this dress. I am still not totally confident with my post-baby body so this swing silhouette is perfect right now. It also has pockets. Isn't everything better with pockets? For work, I paired it with this jean jacket that is a summertime staple for me. Add a little block heel and I am good to go. If I wore this on a weekend I might pair it with a sandal instead and more delicate jewelry. For work, I like a more statement piece.  Easy, breezy!

Dress| Local Motion (similar / similar)
Denim Jacket| Stitch Fix (similar / similar)
Shoes| Charming Charlie's (similar / similar)
Earrings| AdornMonde
Purse| Tribe Alive

What do you think of this look? Leave me a comment below I would love to hear from you!

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Also linking up with Jersey Girl Texan Heart and Shopping My Closet today!

Shopping My Closet