Happy Monday all! I hope you all had a great week and feel rested for the work week. We, D and I, had a very busy weekend. It was fun though so I will run through it quick before sharing my birthday look.
Friday was quiet. I actually stayed home from work that day because somehow I really sprained my ankle and could not put any weight on it. I did some work from home thankfully and by the end of the day it was still really tender but a lot better. Needless to say we stayed in that night, which was good because of the days ahead.
Saturday was a big day. It was both my birthday and our baby shower. I have to be honest, I am not a fan of showers. Even when they are for me, they are not my jam. I don't say it to be ungrateful, I just don't enjoy them. I had a few requests: we only do one big shower, no games, not opening gifts, D has to be in attendance. My family, thankfully, obliged. They put it together in a hotel party room with some food and just sitting around and talking. D and I did our best to talk with everyone and I think we did a good job. The shower was from 11:00-3:00 and after loading up we left at 3:40. We got so many gifts, truly, and are incredibly grateful for everything we received. We got home and did a quick opening and accounting of the items for thank you cards. Surprisingly, we got very few doubles of things which was great. The gifts did take up the entire nursery so I hobbled to the rocking chair and D sat in the hallway while we opened. The pups were so confused and excited to see what was going on, it was pretty cute.
That night we went out to dinner with my immediate family and my aunt. We were going to try this one place my friend recommended but turns out they had a two hour wait. No bueno. Last minute we went to Louis, which is a nicer restaurant above St. Paul fan favorite Cossetta's. I haven't tried it before but was happy with it. I was starving at this point, because of the change we got there late, so I probably over ate a bit. I did get a free creme brûlée, which I did share, and was divine. It was a quiet birthday this year. Being 34 weeks pregnant it is kind of hard to rave, but I will make up for it next year.
Sunday was an errand day. We managed to squeeze in a workout, then the woman who is altering my dress for next weekend came over. I needed a few more changes to my dress #pregnantbridesmaidproblems. Then D's parents stopped over quick to see the nursery. After, we tried to pick up the remaining items from our registry but fell short in a few places. We were also in the neighborhood of our favorite Chinese buffet, but now they apparently close at 4:00 on Sundays. Le sigh. At this point we are starvation central. We ran up to my parents to grab a few things, then hit up two stores on the way home. We decided to eat at La Casita, which was on the way home, and at our weight in chips and salsa.
There you have it. Basically a go-go weekend. Next weekend will be similar with my friend's wedding so stay tuned for that as well!
This week I picked up this little number from local favorite Proper & Prim for the bday festivities. I refuse to let pregnancy get me down and who says I can't wear a mini? Or maybe my stomach size just makes it a mini, who knows? I am not usually a pink gal but this bright, berry pink caught my eye. I knew I could easily wear it with my Modern Renaissance palette that has some like colors. The color is so bright I decided to keep the other items simple. I paired with my fav knee high boots. I decided that the mini with a heel was a little too much for this time of year. A little balance of showing some but not all of my leg was best for January. This House of Harlow pendant has been on repeat lately and goes with practically everything. I topped it off with some bracelets and my new Fossil watch that D got me for my birthday. Boy knows how to pick 'em. ;)
Watch| Fossil
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