Happy Monday! Hope you all had a great weekend. My weekend was a bit of both lots of activity and lots of relaxation. 

I will start with Friday because it was St. Patty's! One of my favorite days of the year. I mentioned on Friday that we have been doing this for years piggybacking on my dad's tradition. Friday's weather was supposed to be a bit warmer in the 40s, however it was cloudy basically all day and very windy. It was pretty chilly, especially for D who was in a kilt. We had a great time anyway. The day starts with a big breakfast in St. Paul, followed by walking in the parade and bar hopping the remainder of the day. We have a few places we traditionally go and we tried a few new places this year. We went to a new bar Herbie's on the Park. Herbie as in Herb Brooks the Miracle on Ice Olympic hockey coach. He was from here and they had his Olympic ring on display, which was pretty cool. It was a little expensive so we did not stay long. We ended up at Cossetta's for lunch which is tradition and huge bowl of pasta is necessary on this day. We also worked our way to try some new places including Bad Weather Brewery and I was super psyched to try it out. Definitely loved it and will be back. I made it to 10:00 PM before heading home. I think that's pretty good for new parents. Note: we did not bring Reese with us, my mom watched her all day. Thanks mama!

Herb Brooks' ring

My sisters and I with Dad

Saturday was a complete veg day. I had intentions of maybe running some errands but nope! D and I stayed on the couches all day and binge watched Friends.  We definitely got though a season and a half and I will not apologize! ;) Reese was super fussy all day. We could not figure it out, did not matter how much we fed her or changed her. The only thing that worked was standing and rocking. She  slept at most for about an hour after much encouragement. Staying home all day seemed like an even better idea when it became apparent she was just having a fussy day.

Sunday we did get out to to run a few errands before heading back home. One thing with an infant is everything takes forever so we did not get to do everything we wanted. I had to be home at a decent time because I had tickets to see Eileen Ivers at the Dakota Jazz Club. She is an Irish fiddle player and if you are familiar with the show Riverdance she was part of their band. She was amazing!! She had this electric fiddle that she could loop sounds and make it sound like a guitar. Her band was incredibly talented as well. Everyone played at least two if not more instruments. Really a fantastic show. After my dad and I went for a drink across the street and  saw her there. We got to shake her hand and tell her what fans we were. She mentioned her friends from the band Gaelic Storm were coming to town as well. (If you don't know, that's the band that was in Titanic). I really love that band and have seen them a handful of times. I went to the restroom and when I came back my dad was talking to three guys. He introduced me and it was Gaelic Storm!!! I was totally taken aback it was so cool. They asked if we had tickets for the show on Tuesday and we did not because we thought it was sold out. The lead singer, Patrick Murphy, then offered us tickets to the show. Who are we to turn them down?  So now we have four tickets to the show on Tuesday. It was amazing. Nicest guys ever!

When I went to the mall the other day I picked up a few items I thought I would share. I never got  my birthday gift from Sephora so I had two options. I picked this Tarte blush/lip combo. I have never tried their amazonian clay blush before. I really love this color. It's a light enough pink for day time wear, just enough for a little rosy cheek. I have a couple of Tarte Tartiest Creamy Matte lips and really like them. This color "birthday suit" is a pinkish nude that I really love. I wore it for part of St. Patrick's Day and was a big fan. 

Tarte Birthday Suit / Tarte Paaarty 

I also picked up two MAC Shadows. I needed a new green for St. Patty's and  settled on "Lucky." They had a few greens but this was my favorite. A few were more forest green and not the right color for that day. In the store it looked a  little yellow but when I got home it was the perfect shade. I don't know when else I will wear this (lol) but I love it. I only meant to buy the one color but then my eyes caught "Ruddy" and I was in love. I had to take it home with me. It is a reddish-dark pink. On Sunday I paired with my Kylie shadows from V-Day and it was the color the duo was missing. Perfect for a little extra accent or all over your lid for a night out.

P.S. did you hear MAC is coming to Ulta in April? I am so excited!!!

How was your weekend? Leave me a comment below I would love to hear from you!

Also linking up with Bloved Boston to share about my weekend!

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