It's finally Friday!!! It feels like this week should not have been so long. I also recognize as a therapist saying things like "it feels" when what I am describing is a thought and "should" when I need to say "has been" or "need" is dysfunctional but that just shows you what place I am in. I am ready for Friday and a weekend. I need me some sun, relaxation and time with my friends. I am looking forward to a mostly relaxed weekend. I plan to chat it out with one of my favorite people and cousins for the series finale of Glee (yes I watch that show, no I will not feel shame about it), go out with my friends, work out and chillax. Yes I am said "chillax", no I will not feel shame about it. Booya! This Friday I celebrate with a lovely new purchase from Lou & Grey. I found out from a co-worker that they started putting Lou & Grey apparel in Loft stores. So naturally I headed straight out there. I found a couple of things but my sad little budget only allowed one. I settled on this shirt dress. I wore it work without the belt because I could not decide what I liked about it, but it felt a little restricting so I went without the belt to work but I think that you could really wear it either way. The belt did not come with the dress. I took it from another dress I bought from Primp about 1 year ago. What do you think about the belt? Do you have any fun weekend plans? Leave a comment below and let me know!

1) Dress: Lou & Grey Composition Shirt Dress, $79.50
2) Shoes: Sam & Libby for Target (similar, similar)
3) Necklace: Disc necklace: Primrose Park (similar, similar), St. Paul Necklace, Primp boutique
4) Watch: Marc Jacobs Baker Watch

1) Dress: Lou & Grey Composition Shirt Dress, $79.50
2) Shoes: Sam & Libby for Target (similar, similar)
3) Necklace: Disc necklace: Primrose Park (similar, similar), St. Paul Necklace, Primp boutique
4) Watch: Marc Jacobs Baker Watch
so beautiful! I love this whole outfit <3
Thank you so much! 😊
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