Happy Monday! I will be honest, I had a super busy weekend and jam packed with activities, which was good because D was out of town for hunting. This year I have been intentional about staying busy. In years past I have found myself sitting around a lot. I have the unfortunate luck of having my friends busy every time D is out of town. Not true this year. Also, full disclosure: I am exhausted now. This is going to be a lightening fast post. I was going to maybe wait to post but there is too much to share.
Friday was an easy night. Knowing that I had two busy days ahead of me I made sure to stay in. I still have a lot of energy during this time of pregnancy, but I can tell sometimes when I push it too far. A Friday night in was necessary. I also knew that the pups would be a lone a lot so I made sure to cuddle with them. They did not argue.
Saturday I got up really early because I had a baby shower to attend at 11:00 AM. I hit the gym for a super quick workout then back home. I picked up my friend and headed to the shower. It really was a nice little shower. A little bit of food, two quick games and gift opening. My friend is really excited to be a mom for the first time so it was fun to watch her open gifts and get increasingly more excited. They also had a bunch of diapers to write a nice message on, which I thought was a super cute idea.
That night the school I work at was performing Pippin for their Fall musical. My freshmen year of high school I was in our production of Pippin so I felt had to see it. My younger sister came with me ( we are a family of theater geeks) and overall we were impressed with the production. The two lead kids were really good in their roles and it was fun to support these kids that clearly put their heart and soul in the show.
Sunday was a big day. I squeezed in another work out before heading down to the Innovations Minnesota fashion show. We had to be down there about 1:00 PM for hair and make up. I got there and realized I left the shoes and accessories at home. UGH! I was so mad at myself. I had to run home like lightening to grab the items. Serious pregnancy brain these days. I left one sister behind and rushed home. Turns out they were running waaaaay behind so I got back before hair and make up was done. I think they were unexpectedly down some hair and make up artist so it took much longer than expected. The show was at A-Mill Lofts in Minneapolis. It was a unique, industrial space right on St. Anthony Main by the river in Minneapolis. It was fun to hang out there all day. My two sisters were my models and I was very thankful for them. It was a long day and they did not complain at all. It was also a super fun to put some faces to instagram handles. All the other stylists for the show were amazingly friendly. I have a tendency to be socially awkward, but thankfully these women were not. Many of them came up to me to formally introduce themselves and were so sweet all day. It is truly awe inspiring to see the community of strong, fashionable women we have here in the Twin Cities. I look forward to cultivating relationships with these ladies in the future.
The show itself was really fun. I ddi not get a chance to watch the student portion of the fashion show but I saw some of their models walking around. A lot of unique and interesting ideas. I think my favorite as the flower and cage skirt. Really gorgeous and well made. When it came to the actual show I was the most excited. All our hard work and time spent had paid off. My sisters opened the show. I don't know how we got that lucky, but they were pretty nervous. I reminded them of our years of watching America's Next Top Model and that they were fierce! ::snaps finger:: Needless to say, they killed it. They looked like they were having fun, which was the overall goal. I knew if they felt comfortable in their looks it would show on the runway.
I feel really lucky to have had this opportunity to be part of such a cool event. I feel even more lucky that I got to take my sisters along for the ride. When would we ever get to do this again? I mean, I hope we have a lot more opportunities, but this felt especially unique and fun.
If you didn't get to follow along be sure to check out my instastory @mymonochromaticlife
It was a whirl wind weekend and definitely not ready for Monday but here we are! How was your weekend?
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