[caption id="attachment_505" align="aligncenter" width="306"]cara delevigne Photo Credit: http://news.instyle.com/2014/02/21/howtowearit-the-ear-cuff/[/caption]

It's no secret I love jewelry and accessories. I believe I have said before on this blog that I would wear a ring on every finger if I am able. This jewelry trend demonstrated beautifully by the impossibly gorgeous Cara Delevingne is ear cuff or sometimes referred to as the ear crawler. I came across this trend several months ago while searching online during a boring evening. In my humble opinion this is one of the most interesting jewelry trends of late. There are so many different styles that range from casual to red carpet. The ones demonstrated by Cara Delevingne are basically statement necklaces for your ears. All encompassing, can't take your eyes off of, takes up the entire space statement. Like my necklaces there is also a time and place for delicate, every day ear crawler. This trend caught my eye again in thinking about my overall look for Valentine's day (check back to my blog about V- Day looks to guess which one I picked). I decided to pick out a few of my favorites for you guys to go with any look.

Dainty Darlings

Magnificent Metals

Big bedazzlers

I decided these would be best broken up into three categories. Each type has it's place and purpose and I did not want the flash to be overwhelming ;) There is such a variety of types beyond what I represented. I encourage you to find your favorites and share them. I would love to hear what you think about this trend? Would you wear it? Leave a comment below and let me know.

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