We are officially 1 day away from Valentine's Day people. This is typically a polarizing holiday. Some couple's love it and swear by it, some people absolutely hate and other's claim apathy.  I don't have it but don't love it. This year is the first in nearly 10 where we are actually going out to dinner for Valentine's day, more on that next week.  For those of you willing to participate in this holiday and looking for a different way to celebrate, and what to wear, I have two suggestions for you.

A night in:

If you are anything like Derek and I, sometimes a night on the couch with wine is the best kind of date. What's better than cuddling on the couch in your favorite sweatpants (or "fatpants" as Derek and I refer to them because we can eat as much as we want) while indulging on our favorite food and drink.  So if this sounds like you grab yourself a redbox, pick up a bottle of wine and cozy in with your special someone.  Check out my selection below of comfy yet stylish knits to rock a casual V-day in fashion.

Valentine's Night In

Psst. The turban headband is from a local entrepreneur Rayna Jaye. I own three of her turbans and she's awesome! Check her out.

Vigorous Valentine:

For those of you less inclined to lay around and looking for a more active Valentine's day I have some items for you as well. The local news did a piece on finding love at the gym. An active date can be a great way to get to know someone's character, I know my true nature to complain about tough work is always revealed when Derek and I work out together. It is also a fun way to bond and an excuse to get close to one another. Maybe you can try rock climbing, a spin class or just weight train together. Get your heart racin' this Valentine's for reasons besides how cute your sweetheart looks. I picked the most unique, feminine, but strong looks I could find. Working out in cute clothes is always more fun :)

Vigorous Valentine

What are your plans this Valentine's Day? Are you going somewhere? Staying in? Just hanging with friends? What do you think of the pieces I picked? I'd love to hear your plans and most importantly your outfits. <3