I have a confession to make. Hello, my name is Meg and sometimes I take photos and forget about them. "Hello Meg..." Whew, glad I got this off my chest. So here's the deal. A few weeks ago I went to a Wits taping. I have been to a couple before and always struggle with what to wear. I am of the belief that it is better to be over dressed than under dressed. When I go to a theater I get dressed up, that's my jam. However, Wits is kind of hipster radio and it is against hipster rules to ever dress up. It's not cool, man or as the kids say "that's doin' too much." This time I put on my hipster best but added a few touches to keep the style in my lane. I picked up this chambray shirt at Target on a impulse purchase. I always take a swing around Target when I am there because A) I have to make sure I did not forget anything and B) I want to see if there is anything good :) I scored this time, gotta love Target style. #bullseye. I paired it with my favorite black jeans from gap and Target sneaks. The jewelry are old pieces from Charming Charlie's and this is the element that makes this look my own.
**This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking through my links.
Shirt| Target
Jeans| Gap
Shoes:| Target, sold out / similar / similar
Necklace| Charming Charlie's / similar / similar
Rings| Charming Charlie's / Midi / Gold Ring
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