Another Monday. Although this one I am not as upset as I normally am. The weather is starting to take a turn around here and it is really helping my mood. Plus, I have a few breaks coming up so there are some things to look forward to. Lots happened this weekend so let's get to it.
On Friday I met up with a friend for happy hour. We went to Betty Danger's Country Club because it was pretty close to us both. If you aren't from here, this place has it's own ferris wheel you can drink and eat on. While we were sitting there we both commented how later we would want to ride, it's not open all year for obvious reasons. Then a few minutes later one of the staff gave us two free tickets to ride it. Looks like they were trying to drum up interest as they gave everybody one. So what the heck? We rode it. Too bad Friday was pretty cold and kind of rainy. Only in Minnesota would we tolerate 30 degrees and rain as ferris wheel weather. Afterwards D and I went to dinner at my favorite Red Cow and a couple of drinks before heading home.
On Saturday was my family's annual spaghetti dinner. My grandmother is 100% Italian and hands down makes the best spaghetti of your life. We used to always do it for Christmas but the timing of it has gotten complicated so we just do it when we can. During the day I ran some errands and bought an outfit to wear. Also, tested out my Kylie Lipkit. I will be honest with you. I do not like the Kardashian-Jenner clan. I think they are pretty shallow, so it took me a lot to buy this. I just keep hearing good things about it and love the colors so I committed. After trying it for a couple of days I really, really love it. My only complaint is the lip pencil will clearly run out fast so I'm a bit annoyed by that. That aside, I will buy another one.
We went over for dinner to my uncle's at 3:00. I was starving by then. I didn't eat much that morning to save up space for all the spaghetti I was going to eat. D also made some bruschetta that I definitely snacked on like crazy. My uncle also has the cutest german shepherd puppy every so we really enjoyed playing with her. Hanging out with my family is always a good time. Afterwards we met some friends for drinks and karaoke. Overall a successful Saturday.
Sunday was a beautiful day! Sunny and 60 degrees. Unfortunately I had no where to go and no one to go with. D was with one of his friends and a lot of my friends were busy or out of town. I kind of put a call out on facebook because I just could not imagine staying inside all day. One of my friend's responded and we went for a walk in Minneapolis. There is this beautiful stone bridge called the Stone Arch Bridge that we walked along. That area is becoming a lot more developed lately so it is so fun to be there. Old brick roads, shops and trails. I could not help but snap a few pics.
I had a pretty great weekend so I am bit sad it's ending but I have a few things planned this week I am excited about.
My look on Saturday is brought to you by Gap. I headed in there this weekend to grab a pair of the girlfriend jeans. I always thought it would be a good alternative for me to the boyfriend that don't ever work on my shape. What I discovered? My hips are too curvy to make that cut work. I happened up these chinos and fell in love AND they were 20% off for a special that was running. Then I sifted through the sale rack and found these top. I really loved the pattern but could only find it in a large. When I looked at it seemed like I could make it look like it is intentional. It is a boxy cut and lots of those silhouettes tend to be bigger. I got it for $6 and I think it worked out pretty well. Add my favorite loafers and dangly necklace and you got yourself a look. A forgiving one at that, thankfully for the spaghetti. What do you think? Leave me a comment below I would love to hear from you.
Top| Gap (similar / similar)
Pants| Gap
Necklace| Elisabeth Ashlie
Bracelets| Primp
Shoes| Madewell (similar / similar)
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