Monday was my Mom's birthday. Unfortunately Monday is a really inconvenient time for a birthday. This means I did not get to see her, but she did take the day off of work to enjoy herself. This weekend we are celebrating and I am looking forward to it. Getting together with my family is always a good time.
In Minnesota we have a thing about talking about the weather. It is ever changing and there are no shortage of jokes about it. "In Minnesota there are two seasons, Winter and road construction." Well, not super creative here but you get the gist. Spring has been a joke. Rain, snow, cold temperatures. I am #overit. I keep praying for warmer weather. Fingers crossed this turns around soon. I cannot take it right now.
Over Spring break I did some serious cleaning of my closet. I sorted into four piles of keep, toss, donate and sell. I have about 30-40 items to sell but trying to decide where to post it. Any suggestions? I tried Tradesy once before and no such luck. Was thinking of setting up an IG account to sell them. Would you be interested?
I went to the Copper Hen for the first time ever on Thursday with a friend. I had read a lot about it and was dying to go. I think it is more well known for a brunch/lunch place but what the heck? I"ll go for dinner. I had an amazing turkey burger and we split a huge cookie dessert I am sure I did not need. They have a small but potent cocktail menu I took full advantage of. I would highly recommend it. It was also great to catch up with my friend. Often I feel we are squeezing in time together but this time we had ample time to catch up and enjoy ourselves.
I received my first Influenster box the other week. I was so excited!! Even more excited when I saw what was inside. It was part of the L'Oreal Everpure collection. I have used this before and been happy with it. Before I used the moisturizing formula as I tend to have very dry hair. I chose it because of the sulfate free formula. When I first starting coloring my hair red I was looking for the best color treated shampoo/conditioner and I read anything that is sulfate free is best. Sulfates are apparently like a detergent and great for cleaning hair. However, they also strip the color from your hair. This collection is meant to repair damaged hair, so perfect for me.
I used this twice in one week, per the instructions. I was really hesitant at first as I have used a mask before and it way over conditioned my hair. As much as my hair is dry, it takes to products well. Almost too well. When I use the wrong kind of conditioner my hair gets stuck in it and feels weighted by it. I was pleasantly surprised after one use the effects I noticed. My hair felt soft. Silky soft like in those commercials where women laugh when talking about how great their hair feels. Keep in mind I found no humor in this. None. I take this very seriously. I would highly recommend this. I don't know if I would continue to use two times a week but definitely as needed.
EverPure Repair & Defend Shampoo and Conditioner
I really like EverPure line and these are no different. I noticed continue smoothness and silkiness each day I used these. More so even than when I used the moisturizing formula. This is definitely the kind of formula where a little goes a long way. Also, because it is sulfate free it does not lather the same way a sulfate formula might. That means you really gotta work it in, but don't need more. Not much else to say but this is a winner.
This piece operates like a leave in conditioner. True to form my hair continues to feel silky. I used a leave in conditioner years ago and stopped for some unknown reason. I use a lot of hair products as is so I try not to add anymore to it. This claims to continue to work on repair as well as protecting from UV rays and heat. I don't know if I noticed all that when using it. Like the other products from this line my hair felt soft. I think if I had to choose between this and the mask, I pick the mask. Only because it's less maintenance. Using twice per week instead of every day. If you prefer the routine of this and not a second rinsing (mask requires and second hair rinse) then this is a good alternative.
What do you think? Have you tried these products? Let me know and leave me a comment below!
Always, linking up with these lovelies!
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