Happy New Year's Eve...eve I guess. New Year's Eve is one of my favorite holidays. I love hanging out with my friends, getting all dressed up and drinking champagne. I love champagne and if I could drink it all the time I would. Heck, I would settle for drinking everything in a champagne glass. I feel so much fancier with a champagne flute, don't you? Also, NYE is a good excuse to dress like a disco ball without judgement. I come out in all my bedazzled glory each year. Take note from last year's post. This year we are doing something a bit different. Our friend's who are hosting have a theme so I cannot wear my usual Studio 54 get up. I will not give it all away now but stay tuned on Monday to see what I mean.
I do not get to be all sequined into oblivion so I thought I would help you. I put together a few great NYE pieces. Shock of shocks they are mostly black, white and grey, but I tried to mix in a variety of silhouettes and fabrics incase disco ain't yo thang. I am partial to a sequin but I also love the cut outs and lace. Cannot go wrong there. What do you prefer? What are you NYE plans? Leave me a comment below I would love to hear from you.

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